Hey! Iโ€™m George

Hello๐Ÿ‘‹, welcome to my website, my name is George and I'm a passionate software developer who loves creating innovative projects and crafting efficient solutions. My journey started with a simple 'Hello World' and from there my interest in coding grew into a strong passion. My work is driven by a deep enthusiasm for technology and a focus on delivering impactful results. Take a look at some of my personal projects below.

You can contact me through email, george.v.scutelnicu@gmail.com.

Hobbies & Interests ๐ŸŽฎ
Coding ๐Ÿ’ป
Chess โ™Ÿ๏ธ
Taking naps ๐Ÿ’ค
And a lot of other cool things (ส˜.ส˜)โ•ฏ
OSS Contribution ๐Ÿ“
Narwhals [~900 โ˜…] - Documentation
Mousam [~300 โ˜…] - Bug Fix; Enhancement
Education ๐Ÿ“š
class Education:
    def __init__(self, degree):
        self.degree = degree
        self.certificates = {}

    def add_certificate(self, name, issuer, year, view_certificate):
        self.certificates[name] = {
            "Issuer": issuer,
            "Certificate Year": year,
            "View Certificate": view_certificate

education = Education("Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Affairs")

education.add_certificate("AWS Fundamentals", "Amazon Web Services", 2023, "link_to_certificate")
education.add_certificate("Deep Learning Specialization", "DeepLearning.AI", 2023, "link_to_certificate")
education.add_certificate("Machine Learning Specialization", "DeepLearning.AI", 2022, "link_to_certificate")
education.add_certificate("Data Science Professional", "IBM", 2022, "link_to_certificate")


To see more of what I've done, visit my GitHub page.


Travel inspiration platform featuring a user-friendly website for exploring destinations and keeping track of them by saving them into your lists and a RESTful API for accessing travel data. Hosted on AWS using ...


Kitsuno is a free platform focused on helping you learn hiragana, katakana, and kanji. With features like customizable flashcards and engaging practice games, Kitsuno makes it easy to study and ...

Image Sorting with Classification

This project combines a deep learning image classification model with a file sorting script, leveraging the power of PyTorch and EfficientNetB2 architecture for ...

Manga Translator

Python tool for translating text found within speech bubbles in manga images. It utilizes YOLOv8 for bubble detection, MangaOCR for text extraction, OpenCV, NumPy and Pillow for image processing and ...

Skill Scope

Streamlit-based application designed to analyze job market trends in Romania across various categories. This project scrapes job data from LinkedIn, processes it, and visualizes key insights, such as ...


Classic minesweeper game with Python programming puzzles. Choose your difficulty, reveal safe cells, and avoid snakes. Simple interface, varied grid sizes, and detailed statistics enhance your gaming experience ...


AnimeMap-Screen2Scene is a web application that maps real-world locations featured in anime. Users can explore a map with anime-related locations and view details about the anime and their ...